The things smart door device internal parts comprise:
Smart Door Device is a two-part single compact fully automated HD surveillance unit. smart phone technology on one side of door. A tablet on the other side of the door and a complex computer arranged between them. all parts are internal in a two-part device. Some of the other features are:
- A Light, sound and motion sensor with an actuator and an alarm
- Internal Metal and toxin smoke, carbon monoxide, natural gas detectors
- Photographer technology night vision, auto focus, zoom and rotating camera lens
- A multiple information and identification database
- Create a detail description, to investigate and identifies visitor.
- A Recognizer technology for face, voice, name, height, body imaging and measuring.
- Recognizing key features and or components of a visitor.
- A Visual ID reading technology, and a LED-scrolling display
- Automatically search multiple social media and wanted records for criminals and sex offenders and make a positive identification on a description of a visitor at door.
- A avatar having different attitudes configure to create an intelligent response and answer questions intelligently for visitors at door, obviating a requirement to open door
- Device is Easley mounted in a hole in the upper center of the door then plug and play.
- Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, a scanning capability, and speech technology
- Video chat, GPS, and ring tones and a visitor blocking, recognizing recall-ability
- A , control configure to display a status of its working functions and sand a status alert to owner when an error occurs
- The device can contact whoever an owner chooses a friend, the police or a security group
- Intelligently answer all questions when notifies and provide the name address of home and the emergency.
- Voice commands technology closed caption configuration, TTY accessibility.
- Entertainment capability, illustrate the holiday give a holiday greeting to owner or visitor in holiday times or a special event.
- An internal alarm setting, set to send silent, high or low, or an acoustic sound or a voice
- Connects to another security device within a building, comprising interior and exterior connecting an input and out output terminals.
- HD touch screen display comprise a multiple picture within a picture configuration.
- Video freeze frame technology and a picture enhancement technology
- Two rechargeable backup batteries and an indicator, powered by a supply-powered cord attached to an outlet. Further configure to convert to solar energy.
- automatically send a voice message, video data, a fax, or an E-mail. Owner has a sending choice to a Tv phone a computer or another device when a bell is pressed, or door opens.
- A data software system configures to use a discretion, to compare, recognize, analyze, reminiscence, to detect, authentic, a quality, save, distribute, collect, processes technology with an internal stored data software or do an online search.
- Comprise an extended part, a flat waterproof teletypewriter accessibility wristband configures to vibrate when a person is at the door. Alerting a household
member that’s blind, have a speech or a hearing impairment, elderly, or have another disability. The wristband is having a constant communication with the smart door device. The wristband is configured to constantly monitor all a person’s movement and vital signs. When a person is very ill and is bed ridden.
Smart door device is configuring to contact the person wearing wristband a household member or an emergency responder when a danger sign occurs or is detected.
My deliberate.
When the smart door device comes to market. More and more people will see that it is more important to have a surveillance system that can protect the family from harm while in the home. Then to just prevent the loss of property. No other surveillance system does as much.
As to protect your loved ones while in the home from predators harming them.
In these times of rising homelessness and mental illness. Crime will be at an all-time high. Predators will become more and more desperate. They will not care who they hurt or kill to get the things you may have. The smart door device is a Technological Advancement in the war on crime. We will just need law enforcement to update and send out the information and identification of the predators to download and save on the device database to recognize a criminal / predator when there are at large and arises at your door. This is the Future in Surveillance.
To manufacturer / companies
You already know how fast a great product flies off the shelves of stores. The consumer is always looking for a new product that is smarter, can do more and make life easier and better. One way to do that is to have a device that can help solve some of the day-to-day problems. Accessories is the big thing a consumer is always searching for something that is entertaining, helpful, knowledgeable, alerting nice looking, durable, different and has more capability and the best in that category. This is what makes companies and businesses a lot of money.
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